Saturday, May 30, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
MOVED. Finally.
The thing is once i start shopping, its gonna be infectious. One shop to the next. Hard for me to stop. When i was in london, Hani, a good friend of mine, had to stop me from buying more stuff everytime i go into a shop. Dear malaysians, you should stop shopping in malaysia & come to london. Worth it. W O R T H E V E R Y P E N N Y.
Anyway, my room is almost empty. Only few clothes left for me to use for house cleaning tomoro and for sunday. Before i officially get my ass kicked out of belgrove :)
When i went to my new place just now (You'll find my addressing my new residence as "my new place" instead of "my new house" because i dont consider it as a house), THE FRONT DOOR WAS OPENED. I was abit freaked out. Maybe a little more than a bit. And the part that freaked me out most was the fact that the place was dark and no there was no sight of anyone who lives in the same place near the entrance. I always think of the worse things that could ever happen when im in such situations. Why? Because if the situation turns out less than what i thought it would turn out to be, i'll feel much better. The possibilities of those worse things happening are super slim, yet its still a possibility. Which i put at the top of my list. Im not a pessimist, juat being realistic.
My fren went in to switch on the lights, bec i was too much of a fat chicken to go in on my own. I had a that thought someone was waiting behind the door to whack my head with a hurling stick and beat my cranial bones to pieces.
.................. Off to slumberland
Sweet dreams!
I'll continue whenever i feel like it ok
Friday, May 22, 2009
Danish i miss you
Was nice to see him :)
But still couldn't understand what he was yappin about
and singing i-dono-what song
No Sun Sunday
*James Brown's I FEEL GOOD* on the loudest volume ever
Kau baru bangun ka ni?
That's my father, calling me.
Which woke me up
On a *SUNDAY morning rain is falling*
Thank you dear father for the wake up call
& it was abit drizzling
Then i called alya
Coz i havnt talk to her in AGES
Heard some very AWKWARD yet INTERESTING stories
*awkward silence*
*continues laughing*
When things are like that, you cant help it but to just laugh
Coz the situation was just so silly
The past being in the present with the present.
Geddit? Geddit?
Of course you dont :)
It's like a ring - which is round - keeps on going back to its starting point
Or should i say its like a shpere? Wherever you go, you cant miss you're starting point.
Anyways LOL is the point hihihi
Love you guys to bits whatever you decide to do :)
or whoever you decide to end up with
or whoever you decide to end with
Pendek kata:
:D :D :D
Then hariz called
Movie movie moooovieee
at 1pm meet alia at bus stop
movie at 3pm
Hariz was pissed (i think) coz we were late
So he went shopping
what a chick
jgn marah i lev yu ngeheh (o_o)
wasn't boring-typical-sci-fi movie
Lagging Friday
I've been going out alot these past few days, something which i did not expect to happen.
Going out = money money money
($_$) ($_$) ($_$)
I should stop going out.
So last friday emma and sushan came.
Before they went off to Edinburgh.
Picked them up after theyve arrived from Galway, then went for reaaally late lunch.
Like around 5++pm
At eddies.....
Went back to Belgrove. Was really late. And they were tired.
So i asked them to move their asses and feed the birds of UCD.
Ngehehehe >:)
The male swan kept pecking sushan for food
Emma was just......scared of the duck (-__-")
Fountain wasn't on
UCD's swans are pretty aggressive.
They might just make an entrance you'd never NEVER expect.
Went to clonskeagh as well.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
After the paper, we head for dinner in the city.
Now i think i did really bad for cardiac.
I have time to think about my answers now.
And i think i didnt address the questions properly.
And vascular was bad. BAD BAD BAD.
I didnt know what i was doing with the anatomy part.
Renal = death.
Genetics susah gilaa
Memang la susah coz i din remember most of the things i should.
PHPS: no comment.
Time = limiting factor.
Well anywayss,
Just have to wait for results.
And pray that i dont have to re-sit any paper.
Which i have a feeling that i might have to.
So what is there to do now?
Onion rings are FUNFUNFUN.
I went to Dundrum on thursday.
1st time.
Had butler's hot choc.
1st time.
Bought 3 garments from Penneys store.
MAJOR 1st time. I've NEVER shop at penneys before.
Had eddie rockets brownie.
Again, 1st time.
So that was my "1st times" day.
I think im gonna have more of it during the summer holidays.
Which i most probably will be spending alone.
Anyhow, I had tea at Lorna's just now, after dinner.
One word:
And i'm looking forward to baking and selling in Cork with you :)
And biking as well.
And working too.
im sleeepy now.
i'll continue tomoro.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
C-C-C-Caaardiac Biology
And i didnt do much for cardiac yesterday night, coz after renal exam yesterday, which btw, was friggin exhausting and confusing + disturbing, because we had to do SIX ESSAYS in ONE HOUR. Suicide. A DO OR DIE situation.
So whatever is in your head must be transferred down on the papers, and you pretty much dont have the time to check back on the essay for errors.
I think i've mixed up the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone with autoregulation.
And i think i did really badly for the male catheterization question.
Coz i couldn't remember the name of middle part of the male urethra.
:S :S :S
I was like "ok ok, upon entrance is the penile urethra, before entering bladder is the prostate urethra............. whats the midlle part again????"
I'm no penis expert, obviously.
And the male urethra on average is 18cm long, female urethra is only 4cm long.
........ sorry too much info.
I might get one mark, if the examiner is kind enough to see that i was trying my best to squeeze info out from my tiny brain.
It was already the last two minutes of the exam when i started the question.
I bet zhafran nur is laughing when he reads this.
Ya zapran, saya tau kau tgh baca ni post.
Back to cardiac.
:S :S
Should i be happy?
Or was it just Smolenski's trick questions in wanting us to answer with very very very detail processes of the anatomy and physiology?
I think i did OK.
But will it compensate my cardiac midterm?
So last week before my genetics and public health exam, i've been living in the kitchen.
Literally, live in the kitchen.
Studied there, ate there, slept there.
No, im not joking.
See pictures :)
I have vascular biology exam on monday :(
With Pennington's notes.
Then Bund's.
Then Last's.
Then Ettarh's.
Then Flanagan's.
Assalamualaikum :)
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Mungkin sudah tahu, tapi perlu di ingatkan semula :)
So I've been thinking about...umm, this.
I took this from Lajnah Tarbiyyah & Dakwah PPIMI webpage.
A reminder for you and I :)
Batas Aurat Wanita
April 16th, 2009 by admin
Batas aurat wanita adalah wajah dan telapak tangan sebagaimana disebutkan dalam hadits:
Hadis riwayat Aisyah r.a, bahwasanya Asma binti Abu Bakar masuk menjumpai Rasulullah dengan pakaian yang tipis, lantas Rasulullah berpaling darinya dan berkata, “Hai Asma, sesungguhnya jika seorang wanita sudah mencapai usia haid (akil balig) maka tidak ada yang layak terlihat kecuali ini,” sambil beliau menunjuk wajah dan telapak tangan. (HR Abu Daud dan Baihaqi).
Pada dasarnya seluruh bahan, model, dan bentuk pakaian boleh dipakai, asalkan memenuhi syarat-syarat berikut.
1. Menutup seluruh tubuh kecuali wajah dan telapak tangan.
2. Tidak tipis dan transparan.
3. Longgar dan tidak memperlihatkan lekuk-lekuk dan bentuk tubuh (tidak ketat).
4. Bukan pakaian laki-laki atau menyerupai pakaian laki-laki.
5. Tidak berwarna dan bermotif terlalu menyolok. Sebab, pakaian yang menyolok akan mengundang perhatian laki-laki. Dengan alasan ini pula, maka membunyikan (menggemerincingkan) perhiasan yang dipakai tidak diperbolehkan walaupun itu tersembunyi di balik pakaian.
Berikut digambarkan beberapa kesalahan wanita muslimah dalam berpakaian:
Berikut gambaran bagaimana cara berpakaian yang benar bagi seorang muslimah:
*dipetik dari
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Rolling down down down
Last sem was more on basic science, this sem is all organ system: renal, respiratory, cardiac, vascular and the other module is public health which is actually interesting (esp psychology part), but the lecturers are boring. YES, the LECTURERS. My elective: genetics, same thing, this got me all hype during alevel, but here, omg i feel like going down screaming at the lecturer: