Sunday, November 15, 2009

When you just don't care, others actually do.

Thank you for the surprise birthday party loves!

To the host, Aliyah Z.
I actually thought that when you told me to get your handbag in the living room, you had a birthday gift for me in your bag. Never crossed my mind that the gift was a room of friends with food and cakes and dancing mats.
And for the post on your blog.

And to Elle and Umi.
For making me cancel my gym plan and asking me out to town on Saturday. If Elle hadn't call, I would've forgotten Saturday was actually the 14th of November. Seriously.

And to all guest who came.
I was surprised, speechless, touched and all the mixed emotions I had at that moment when I opened the door. Almost had tears but I managed to hold it back. Sorry lah, ego sangat tinggi tidak mahu hilang macho menangis depan rakan-rakan :')

To be honest it has been long since the idea of having a celebration on my own birthday crosses my mind.

But when you just don't care, doesn't mean that others don't too.

So, I am grateful to have such friends.

Very awesome ones.

God bless us all :)


hatim a.r said...

seperti yg aku kata pada kau bah..aku sayang sama kau hahahaha sorry lah xde present.series pagi tu aku gi farmasi seblah spar ingatkn adela jual perfume ke ape tapi xde plak.

Amirah I. said...

Xpe xpe, present hari-hari pun kau boleh bagi. Whats important is you came and made the surprise happen. Semakin bertambah sayang aku kat kau lah :')