Friday, September 17, 2010

Are you feeling me feeling you?

Life is about having to decide, make choices, all the time. Sometimes we make some wrong turns and feel regretful. Why the heck did I do that? I should have did this instead. Why didn't I think of that earlier? OR in relationships context: Why did I ever liked him/her? I can't believe I thought he/she's my friend for life! Why? Why? Why??

GOOD NEWS! S'okay to feel that way. Who doesn't make mistakes? We all do at some point :)

'Regret' is a valid reason to feel down & the need for some solitary moment..............for a while. I stress, FOR A WHILE.

Life's short, why watch life pass you by? For you to spend it feeling sad (for a looooong time) is such a waste!

Point is....
ONE - FACE YOUR MISTAKE, don't runaway from it! You've evaluated & realized it was the wrong choice
TWO - Take time to forgive yourself (before you forgive, if the situation involves another party, others) Regret, indenial are all part of the road to recovery
THREE - Put it in the past, try not no make the same mistake in the future
FOUR - Shake it off. Pull yourself together. Move on, i.e. there's always a solution to anything; nothing is impossible anyway, right?

p/s: By solution, I don't mean bitching around about your problem. Instead, find ways (still, not bitching) that you know will help you get over whatever you did. Finds things to do, things that make you feel better and happy.

For some, the mistake(s) hit them hard. Traumatized, feeling feeble, like not being able to stand up & face the world anymore. Well that's bullshit. Tell them they're being over dramatic.

 Kalau kau mau mengarut jadi over dramatic sebab telampau cantik,
dipersilakan terjun bangunan sekarang

I'm kidding, it's part of the recovery process, they've been hurt, so please be supportive.

And you, yes YOU, the hurting one. Be considerate to those who are trying to help you, they might offer all they can to you, but remember they have their lives to live too. Feeling hurt doesn't give you the privilege to take advantage of those who care. They might be friends of 20 years, or a best friend who loves you dearly, or all else of similar types. Give them a call/confide to them when you REALLY need them only. If you keep them on the phone 24/7, please get this registered in your brain, they do get bored you know, hearing the same thing again and again.

Anyway, talking about recovery. You might not be able to stand up on your own at first, no worries, you're only human. We understand. A helping hand(s) might be needed to help you stand up again, to be your crutch, your support system. Hopefully you've been surrounding yourself with good friends, if you have none, then there's always your family.

The thing is, even if there's a gazillion hands helping you but you're not even helping yourself then there's no point. If you won't let yourself recover, then save us the trouble & don't bother wasting the time of others trying to help you. Yes, that's harsh but, that is also the truth. So, you decide which route you'd like to embark on after a fall down. You choose your destination.

It may take 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 2 months and for some, even more. Different trauma impact have different refractory & recovery period. Give the recovery period some time to work its miracle. Time does heal, you know :)

I just hope it doesn't take you too long to get back up on your feet and running, because you might miss out on the best of life during those sad sappy moment of yours!