Generally we can see the overwhelming support of the public towards the announcement that the cabinet decision to put away with the requirement to indicate one’s race in government official forms.
Many opine that it will remove a barrier that inhibits us from achieving Bangsa Malaysia. The requirement is said to remind us of our individual race instead of being Malaysian. It is also seen as a positive effort in line with the 1Malaysia concept.
However, I am intrigued as to why these like-minded Malaysians are silent when another initiative with similar objectives was put forward. Such as the proposal to introduce the single education system as practiced the world over. Malaysian children will grow up to be fine citizens with a sound understanding of the different races and the need to stay as one. On the contrary, a child who goes to a vernacular school will be deprived of this opportunity.
Thus, I fail to understand why on one hand we object to practices that separate us as a people but at the same time we condone those having similar features. We should all ask the question whether we are being honest with ourselves?Think twice,Act wise!
If we aspire to realize a 'Bangsa Malaysia' and believe in 1Malaysia, we should support the introduction of the single school system and put serious efforts to make it a success.
Amirah Ibrahim - Thank you!